Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions for our Wisconsin Rapids Chiropractic office? Read some of the most frequently asked questions we hear at Cook Family Chiropractic. If your questions aren’t answered, call us, we’re happy to discuss them with you.
Do the chiropractic adjustments hurt?
No. Typically the adjustments do not hurt.
Can chiropractic cure everything?
We’ll never claim that chiropractic cures everything. Usually chiropractic will get things moving and allow the body to heal itself.
Why would I have a newborn or young child?
Childbirth is one of the most traumatic things that the body will go through. It often results in a lot of alignment issues and other problems that can be corrected at an early stage. Read more»
Do you take insurance?
Yes. We accept Security Health Plan, Medicare, Medicaid, personal injury, and worker’s comp.
Do you work with medical doctors?
There are no medical doctors in our practice, but we have a good relationship with several in town that we refer to and vice versa. We have similar relationships with orthopedists.
Would you suggest exercises or other things I can do at home?
Absolutely! Exercise is always a part of the treatment plan. The looser the muscles are, the less stress you have on the spine.
Can someone who’s had back surgery see a chiropractor?
Yes, depending on the surgery, adjustments around the area in question can help issues from arising. When a fusion is done for example that area no longer has any movement and the joints about and below that area of the spine have to compensate for it making it more susceptible to problems.
Additional questions? Call Cook Family Chiropractic today.